Reeds are invaluable ecosystems, providing habitats for wildlife, improving water quality, and acting as natural filters. However, like any ecosystem, they require maintenance to ensure their health and functionality. One effective tool for reed bed maintenance is the Truxor amphibious machine.
In this guide, we'll explore how we use the Truxor amphibious machine to transform an overgrown reed bed into a vibrant oasis.
Assessing the Reeds:
Before beginning any maintenance work, it's essential to assess the condition of the reeds. This is often done by client pictures evidence, but may need to be done on a site visit. We identify areas of overgrowth to determine the extent of the problem and prioritise areas for treatment.
Preparing the Truxor:
We ensure the Truxor is equipped with the appropriate attachment for the task at hand. For reed maintenance, the clamshell or heavy duty cutters are often used..
Removing Reed and Bulrush:
We then start by carefully manoeuvring the Truxor into the waterbody, taking care not to disturb the surrounding vegetation excessively. Use the above attachments to systematically remove reeds and bulrush, working in manageable sections.
Disposal of Removed Material: As vegetation is removed, it's essential to have a plan for disposal. It is strongly recommended that the removed material is left on the bankside for a minimum of 24hours to let any invertebrates back into the water. Depending on the amount of reeds, removed material may be composted on-site or transported to a designated disposal area.
Monitoring and Maintenance: Maintenance on reeds can be an ongoing process. Regular monitoring is essential to identify new growth or areas requiring attention. Schedule routine maintenance sessions to prevent overgrowth and maintain the health of the reed ecosystem.

Simply Aquatic are highly experienced in transforming waterbodies, is your waterbody overgroom with reeds? Get in contact with us today for a FREE quotation.